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2014 National Milk Drug Residue Data Base Released February 13, 2015

Charm Test Kits Integral in Dairy Testing

For 37 years Charm Sciences has helped the dairy industry protect the milk supply from accidental antibiotic contamination. Antibiotics are necessary medicines used to maintain animal health and welfare. The Charm test was the first rapid screening test that could be used to test milk for penicillin before purchase and processing by dairy plants. Today, the testing for this class of antibiotics (beta-lactams) before milk processing is a legal requirement. Testing for antibiotics before packaging eliminates the possibility of milk contamination to consumers.

The dairy industry voluntarily tracks their testing and accidental contamination rates in the National Milk Drug Residue Data Base. Through technological advances in speed and accuracy, Charm tests have been integral in reducing contamination rates each year and achieving rates as low as 0.010-0.013% in the February 13, 2015 released report. This is a 10-fold reduction in 15 years. Screening the purity of milk and reducing the accident rate improves the milk economy. Screening helps educate all dairy stakeholders in the importance of good agricultural processes. That is why the dairy industry has relied on Charm Tests since 1978.  Nothing works like a Charm.

About Charm Sciences

Established in 1978 in Greater Boston, Charm Sciences helps protect consumers, manufacturers, and global brands from a variety of issues through the development of food safety, water quality, and environmental diagnostics tests and equipment. Selling directly and through its network of distributors, Charm’s products serve the dairy, feed and grain, food and beverage, water, healthcare, environmental, and industrial markets in more than 100 countries around the globe.