F-AP (Fast Alkaline Phosphatase) Test

In less than one minute, dairies can be confident that liquid milk products are completely pasteurized using the Charm F-AP (Fast Alkaline Phosphatase) test. The F-AP test is a second generation chemiluminescence test, modeled after PasLite, an ISO standardized method. F-AP detects alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme that is destroyed during pasteurization.

The F-AP test is not only fast, it is easy to perform and simple to calibrate. Add a milk sample to an F-AP vial. Insert the vial into the novaLUM II-X system, mix, and read results. The system measures the amount of light emitted, which is directly proportional to the amount of active phosphatase enzyme in the sample.

The F-AP test limit of detection for liquid dairy products is 20 milliunits per liter (mU/L) phosphatase (approximately 0.002% raw milk), well below the 350 mU/L level (0.1% raw milk) required by most public health agencies. The F-AP method has been independently evaluated and published as an equivalent method to PasLite. F-AP is recognized in the US Pasteurized Milk Ordinance and by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for verification of dairy pasteurization.


  • Results in 45 seconds (creams and chocolate milks require 90 second analysis)
  • Limit of detection below public health guidelines
  • Tests liquid dairy products (milk, flavored milk, cream)
  • Approved by the US NCIMS, New Zealand NZFSA, and Tasmania TDIA
  • No incubation; no sample preparation required for milk and cream
  • Easily incorporated into a HACCP program
  • Results can be read in the novaLUM II-X system

Regulatory Info

  • Approved by the US National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS)
  • Approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
  • Approved by the Tasmanian Dairy Industry Authority (TDIA), Australia